Parent Contact Form

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Parent Contact Form

The information you filled out in the form is personal and confidential, you do not copy, modify, reproduce, republish, distribute, or promote (based on relevant legislation on personal data ΦΕΚ 192 31 January 19).

What is your concert about your child (you can choose more than one);

Speech Delay

Communication Difficulties (He / She cannot approach correctly other children)

Speech Difficulties (arthrosis or phonological problems, raw of speech)

School Readiness

Socialization Difficulties



I feel that is more mature than other children of his/her age.

Other (Describe the difficulDes below).

I do not want to fill the form. I prefer you call me back and describe the difficulDes of my child.

Optional. Υou can describe the difficulDes of your child (100 words).

2 + 1 = ?

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In doctor kids, our goal is to be a reliable ally for parents in their struggle to raise their children. We want to help them identify any possible children's difficulties from an early age and lead them to an early intervention for the deviations to be eliminated.